Sunday, March 18, 2012

Second Day of the Training

The second day of the training, with its  four-fold learning outcomes concerned with water, sanitation and hygiene, concentrated on both technical, policy and implement aspects of water, sanitation and hygiene. The resource persons for the day were Dr. Nawaraj Khatiwada (Associate Prof., DESE, KU); Mr. Bhusan Tuladhar (Regional CTA, UN-HABITAT); Namaste Lal (Project Officer, UNICEF); Mr. Rabin Lal Shrestha (Research and Advocacy Manager, WAN); and Mr. Uddhav Timilsina (LDO, Chitwan DDC).

Starting with a short exercise to the participants, Dr. Khatiwada presented on technologies which are successfully operating in both hilly and terai regions. He also showed advanced technologies which are not applied in Nepal but used very successfully in countries like Japan. The problem in water sector, he concluded, is not an unavailability of technology but the affordability of equipment.

Dr. Khatiwada during his presentation

Mr. Tuladhar demonstrated simple looking but very useful tools that can be utilized for sanitation. In this  sector, he said, doing very simple acts can help achieve significant things. A major step to accomplish the task, he added, demands awareness and action of simple type. He made the participants rethink on people's general tendency to anticipate the availability of high-tech instruments to maintain healthy environment.

Mr. Tuladhar delivering presentation

Mr. Lal availed the participants with the optimistic picture that is appearing visible now in sanitation and hygiene. The change, he highlighted, is due to the commitment from sector actors under NHSMP. He added that the sector actors have been brought together for common goal. The coming together and the commitment fro the sector actors would successfully accomplish the task set for 2017, he appealingly said.

Mr. Lal requesting participants for action

Mr. Uddav Timilsina, who has been working with great commitment in ODF and made it possible to declare Chitwan as second ODF district, added enthusiasm to the participants. Speaking very succinctly and with determination, he shared both the difficulties that he had to undergo during pre-ODF phase and the measures that he had taken. He also expressed his happiness to see his friends who used to call him satirically as ODF LDO now praising his work.

Mr. Timilsina sharing his experience

Apology and Supplement
The organizers needed to make a change in the schedule due to unavailability of Dr. Bhimsen Devkota. Dr. Devkota, who had agreed to train the participants with the focus on hygiene education, could not be available during his session.

To meet the schedule, the organizers requested Mr. Rabin Lal Shrestha who instantly accepted to be present a day before the scheduled time. He delivered his presentation on financing in WASH and showed two major problems that exist in this sector: one, financial factor; and two, utilization factor. On the one hand, the allocated budged for WASH is not sufficient if it is seen in the light of required budget per year to meet the National Target, but on the other, the budget allocated in this sector is not used up at the end of fiscal year.

Mr. Shrestha during his presentation

Social Event at DLR
The organizers arranged a social event at DLR. The event aimed to mix-up the participants, the resource persons and the organizers so that they would interact with each other and could make plans for future.

Participants during the social event

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