Sunday, March 18, 2012

Third Day of the Training

The third day of the training with the focus on planning and monitoring aspect of WASH was facilitated by Mr. Henk Veerdig (SNV); Mr. Madhav Pahari (UNICEF); and Mr. Dinesh Manandhar (Research Fellow, KU).

Mr. Veerdig spotlighted on the sustainability and functionality of WASH in Nepal. With the very low percentage of projects functioning properly, he said, the challenges are numerous. Along with the financial matter, the sustainability and functionality of the projects depend on the model of operation, he added.

Addressing the participants' question concerning slow progress in the sector, Mr. Pahari presented on some of the hindrances that marred the progress. To overcome the drawbacks in the existing mechanism, he said, an alternative, Sector Wise Approach (SWAs) has been envisioned. The approach focuses on sector actors' alignment with  the governments planning and linkage with the stakeholders. The collaborated and coordinated plan, he added optimistically but with certain reservations, would produce desired outcome.

Mr. Manandhar trained the participants on developing a marketable WASH Project Plan. During his presentation, he discussed on the components required for the plan and the co-relation among the components.

The trainees developed their plan
In the post-lunch session, the participants who were divided in 5 groups developed their projects. After each presentation, Mr. Kabir Rajbhandari provided feedback to the projects.

Mr. Bhandari commenting on participants' project 

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