Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Training Concluded

Regional WASH Training 2013 concluded today in DLR, Dhulikhel with a formal program in the auspicious presence of Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Bhadra Man Tuladhar, Registrar of the University, Prof. Sanjay Nath Khanal, Dr. Bim Pd. Shrestha, HoD, Mechanical Engineering and Mr. Ashutosh Tiwari, Country Director of WAN. Resource persons of the training, Faculties from KU and trainees had attended the program.

Prof. Makaju and Prof. Tuladhar had awarded the participants with certificates. Addressing the trainee, Prof. Tuladhar suggested the trainees not to wash away knowledge gained during WASH training. Mr. Tiwari briefed about the activities of WAN and the rationale for working in collaboration with KU. He hoped that the collaboration would ultimately set KU as center for excellence in WASH sector. Dr. Shrestha congratulated all the participants for their successful completion of the training and wished that the knowledge will be used in the respective fields.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Makaju distributing certificates

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 4 of Regional WASH Training 2013

Day 4 of Regional WASH Training began with Mr. Kiran Darnal's presentation on "Water Safety Plans as Practiced in Nepal".
Mr. Darnal during the first session
The plan, he elucidated, includes various activities that would assess and manage risk involved in all the phases from catchment to consumer. He emphasized that consistency in the service is the domain of Water Safety Plan. Then, he presented on the objectives of WSPs and the ways to achieve the objectives.

The second lecture was delivered by Dr. Sumitra Amatya. (the detail of lecture will be uploaded soon)
Dr. Amatya during her session
The third lecture to be delivered by Mr. Bhusan Tuladhar could not be done due to his unavailability. In his absence Mr. Khagendra Acharya from the Department of Languages and Mass Communication, KU. delivered his lecture on "Communication Strategy for WASH Practitioners". Mr. Acharya's lecture was followed by Mr. Kabir Das Rajbhandari's presentation on Sanitation Marketing.
Mr. Acharya delivering lecture
Instructing the participants on various aspects of sanitation marketing, he focused on the importance of making it affordable to consumers. He also stated that strengthening supply chain can make marketing easier.
Mr. Raj Bhandari in action
He concluded that NGO-led marketing to Enterprise-led promotion.This, however, he said does not mean negating the role of NGO and other stakeholders who have been working in existing scenario.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Third Day of the Training

Third day of the training commenced with the lecture of Mr. Namaste Lal Shrestha on "Sanitation: Search, Thought and Action". Mr. Shrestha shared the history of Sanitation in the world, in South Asia and in Nepal.

Mr. Namaste Lal Shrestha during lecture
Presenting the Nepalese scenario in sanitation sector in detail, he hypothesized that there are certain reasons for our inability to attain desired goal. Life skill based education, he said, is the major problem in Nepal; neither universities and nor concerned stakeholders have amply worked in the field.
Participants during lecture
Because of the lack of appropriate strategy and appropriate collaboration, sanitation goals have not been achieved. If all the stakeholders work in synergy, goals can be very easily be attained.

He concluded that commitment, positive thought, joint effort, participatory way, and timely, locational, situational and circumstantial commitments will ensure sanitation.
Participants making commitments
Mr. Shrestha's lecture was followed by Mr. Bijendra Shrestha's presentation. Mr. Shrestha presented his ongoing research on biomass. He briefly presented the rationale for research in this area. In such research, he added, social constrains play prominent role.
Mr. Shrestha during presentation

Interacting with the participants, he informed that the device has been successful in the lab and its efficiency is underway.

The participants were then taken for field visit.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Participants Say

Mr. Jha speaking about the program
Ms. Khanna (resource person) with the participants

Second Day of the Training

First Session 

Dr. Shrestha delivering his lecture
First session of the Second day of Regional WASH Training 2013 began with the presentation of Dr. Bim Pd. Shrestha. Dr. Shrestha presented on "Replication and Upscalling of Bio-electrification for street lighting through agricultural and livestock waste" based on the experience gained from the project carried out in Kathmandu. He briefly introduced the site where the project was carried out. The site, he said, was selected based on the availability of agricultural and livestock waste. He also added based on the experience of the project that the selection of the site need to consider community as well because without active participation of the community, it will be difficult to run such projects.

Dr. Shrestha presented the status of bio-electrification in the world and its rationale. Government of Nepal, he informed, has also started giving priority to bio-electrification. Then, he elaborated on practical limitations involved in carrying out such project. The trainees were then informed about the process involved in producing bio-gas from the waste and then producing electricity for consumption.

Informing the inside story of the project, he informed the trainees why the project did not function as anticipated. The provision to allow the use of gas cylinder as additional/optional source was the main reason for the failure.

He concluded that technical excellence does not guarantee the success of any such project; there is a need to incorporate social dynamics of the community involved in the project.

What Next?
Another project, which is being carried out in Shova Bhagawati in collaboration with Water Aid Nepal, has taken the issue of community involvement and other aspects that had hindered previous project.

The Second Session

Prof. Khanal delivering lecture
The second session was facilitated by Prof. Dr. Sanjay Nath Khanal on "Indoor Occupational Environment: Additional Aspects of Sanitation". He commenced his lecture with an answer to why the issue of indoor smoke is of importance in WASH and provided an overview of air pollution statistics and the diseases caused by the particles in the world and in Nepal.

With the information, he highlighted on the components that cause pollution and the affects due to different types of the pollutants. Further, he informed about the ways to control/reduce indoor pollution. Some of the measures can be thermal comfort, measurement of airflow, airborne dust, combustion products. These measures, he added, can be taken easily; they need no policy level intervention. But, there are measures which need such intervention.

The unavailability of national policy, he concluded, has made it difficult to address the issue in more appropriate way.

Third Lecture
Dr. Khatiwadi during lecture
Associate Prof. Dr. Nawaraj Khatiwada delivered presentation on "Water Supply Technology and Innovation". Beginning the session with two questions, he emphasized on the importance of managing waste water. Availability of techniques, he mentioned, is not the major problem - the problem lies in using available resources appropriately. If available techniques can be used, a large number of problems can be addressed.
Dr. Khatiwada with the participants after presentation
Regarding the cost aspect, he stated that we largely fail to calculate the cost for construction/maintenance and other aspects of water supply. Consequently, water supply largely remains un-managed. He presented some of the innovative techniques being used in Nepal. He concluded that we have potential to do it together.

Fourth Lecture
Asst. Prof. Lohani delivering lecture
The fourth lecture was delivered by Mr. Sunil Pd. Lohani on "High Rate Anaerobic Digestion for Wastewater Treatment & Biogas Production". Mr. Lohani began with the focus on adaptive research instead of focusing on invention aspect.
Participants during the lecture
He introduced the trainees with different technical terms of the field and acquainted them with simple techniques that can be used for sanitation. Anaerobic Baffle Reactor, he stated, is a large and modified version of safety tank. The efficiency of ABR, however, is not optimistic in Nepal, he added. Another technology, HRAD, is more efficient than safety tank and ABR. He further explained the components and functioning of UASB and the reasons for its better functioning. He claimed that UASB can be one of the best options for sanitation.

Fifth Session

Asst. Prof. Ms. Knanna during the lecture
Ms. Sabita Aryal Khanna delivered the fifth lecture; the topic was WASH in IWRM: Experience of IWRM in Durlang. Sharing some of the interesting experiences during the project and the fact about the availability of water, she presented the facts about water resources of Nepal and emphasized on the importance of IWRM. In the absence of IWRM, the condition of WASH will lag behind, she said.

Ms. Khanna stated that it is also due to the typography of Nepal, we must resort to integrated water management. Presenting schematic diagram of IRM, she explained about the activities we can do to manage water appropriately. She concluded that IRM will be possible through the active participation of community; and it will help to reduce potential conflict among the water users. 

Participants during the Session

Mr. Robin Lal Shrestha, Research and Advocacy Manager, Water Aid

Sunday, March 24, 2013

First Day of the Training Began

First session

Mr. Karki during the first session
The first session was facilitated by Mr. Kabindra Karki, Senior Divisional Engineer, Ministry of Urban Development. He trained the participants on monitoring and evaluating aspect of WASH sector in Nepal.

Second Session

Mr. Khanal in the second session
Mr. Nanda Khanal, Senior Divisional Engineer, Ministry of Urban Development delivered second training session on WASH Policy Guidelines. Informing about the guidelines, he pointed out some of the areas of Research Opportunities  in the WASH sector.

Third Session

Mr. Shah during the training

The third session was facilitated by Mr. Binay Shah, Water and Sanitation Expert, ICON. With the focus on Technical and Sectoral  overview of WASH sector in Nepal, he presented the complexities existing in the sector.

Fourth Session

Mr. Raja Ram Pote, Consultant, KUKL spotlighted on PID initiatives on waste water management technology in Kathmandu Valley. He also presented a picture of defunct nature of mechanisms.

Fifth Session

The fifth session was conducted by Mr. Dinesh Manandhar, Research Fellow, KU/NGS. His presentation was focused on solid waste management; more specifically solid waste management.