Thursday, March 28, 2013

Training Concluded

Regional WASH Training 2013 concluded today in DLR, Dhulikhel with a formal program in the auspicious presence of Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Bhadra Man Tuladhar, Registrar of the University, Prof. Sanjay Nath Khanal, Dr. Bim Pd. Shrestha, HoD, Mechanical Engineering and Mr. Ashutosh Tiwari, Country Director of WAN. Resource persons of the training, Faculties from KU and trainees had attended the program.

Prof. Makaju and Prof. Tuladhar had awarded the participants with certificates. Addressing the trainee, Prof. Tuladhar suggested the trainees not to wash away knowledge gained during WASH training. Mr. Tiwari briefed about the activities of WAN and the rationale for working in collaboration with KU. He hoped that the collaboration would ultimately set KU as center for excellence in WASH sector. Dr. Shrestha congratulated all the participants for their successful completion of the training and wished that the knowledge will be used in the respective fields.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Makaju distributing certificates

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