Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Third Day of the Training

Third day of the training commenced with the lecture of Mr. Namaste Lal Shrestha on "Sanitation: Search, Thought and Action". Mr. Shrestha shared the history of Sanitation in the world, in South Asia and in Nepal.

Mr. Namaste Lal Shrestha during lecture
Presenting the Nepalese scenario in sanitation sector in detail, he hypothesized that there are certain reasons for our inability to attain desired goal. Life skill based education, he said, is the major problem in Nepal; neither universities and nor concerned stakeholders have amply worked in the field.
Participants during lecture
Because of the lack of appropriate strategy and appropriate collaboration, sanitation goals have not been achieved. If all the stakeholders work in synergy, goals can be very easily be attained.

He concluded that commitment, positive thought, joint effort, participatory way, and timely, locational, situational and circumstantial commitments will ensure sanitation.
Participants making commitments
Mr. Shrestha's lecture was followed by Mr. Bijendra Shrestha's presentation. Mr. Shrestha presented his ongoing research on biomass. He briefly presented the rationale for research in this area. In such research, he added, social constrains play prominent role.
Mr. Shrestha during presentation

Interacting with the participants, he informed that the device has been successful in the lab and its efficiency is underway.

The participants were then taken for field visit.

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